Easter Extravaganza

The Easter Extravaganza event is held on a Saturday night near the Easter holidays and is basically a bingo night for all the family.

We ask each child to come into school in non-uniform on the Friday in return, each child brings in 1 Easter egg.

Unfortunately, for health and safety reasons we are governed to a maximum of 175 in the hall and thus, it is a ticket only event.

On the night, we have colouring competitions, easter hats and children quizes as well as an adult quiz.

The bingo cards (for 10 games) are also sold. Each game differs ranging from the top or bottom line, to the classic stand-up bingo (this being everybody with a bingo card stands up, for each number that is called out, if the card holder has that number, then they site down, usually resulting in a number of winners)

We have in the past made the odd game more exciting by increasing the prizes, previously this has been the bingo game victor winning an egg for each person on that table.

The event is always well supported by families within the school and we always wish everybody who take part and support the event the largest of thanks.

The advertising.

Setting up
Setting up the eggs before the familys arrive

cake stall
The cake and drinks stall being prepared

This event has always been a family fun night out, but we strive to get as much in funds for the JAC as possible.The Easter Eggstravaganza 2007 event brought in over £500 to our funds. Again, a big thanks to all who supported us on this event.